Title: Director of Operations With Kidz Kare since: 2003 (Kidz Kare Inc as it started as a home daycare) Superhero Trait: The Kid Whisperer Hobbies & Interests: Raising my children is my first priority as they were the main reason I started to put a solid focus on this industry. Think of myself as a “foodie” as I do enjoy cooking and …
Ms. Parisa
Title: Operations Manager With Kidz Kare since: 2016 Superhero Trait: Ms. Loveable Favourite Quote: “Life is too short to be anything but happy!” – Jose Harris
Mr. Shawn
Title: Operations Supervisor With Kidz Kare since: 2015 Superhero Trait: The Ultimate Hugger Favorite Quote: “Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world.” – Malala Yousafzai
Mr. Aldo
Title: Operations Supervisor With Kidz Kare since: 2017 Superhero Trait: The Number Cruncher Hobbies & Interests: Coin Collecting, Hockey and History Random Fact: I have been working since I was 13. Favourite Quote: “You only get out what you put into it”