PreSchool Standard (NON-POTTY TRAINED) + Admin Fee


Monday – Friday
7:00 am – 6:00 pm EST
Toronto, ON


($1,620.00 – $854.55 (CWELCC) = $765.45) + ($100.00 [Admin Fee] – $52.75 [CWELCC] = $47.25) = $812.70

The CWELCC Discount is currently at 52.75%.

The Preschool program introduces children to a variety of play materials and experiences that will engage them in both math and literacy skills. High Scope Curriculum is a cognitive focused curriculum model that supports and reinforces teaching children how to think for themselves, discover answers on their own through exploration and develops problem solving skills to help them become thinkers. Children in this program are not yet potty-trained, but in pull-ups (diapers not permitted) and working towards potty-training.

Limited to 16 Spaces.

Prices are subject to change without notice until service agreement has been signed. Our Pre-Paid Deposit and $100 administration fee is required upon registration. You will be debited weekly fees from your bank account as stated above once your child starts services at the daycare.