Title: Director of Operations With Kidz Kare since: 2003 (Kidz Kare Inc as it started as a home daycare) Superhero Trait: The Kid Whisperer Hobbies & Interests: Raising my children is my first priority as they were the main reason I started to put a solid focus on this industry. Think of myself as a “foodie” as I do enjoy cooking and …
Ms. Parisa
Title: Operations Manager With Kidz Kare since: 2016 Superhero Trait: Ms. Loveable Favourite Quote: “Life is too short to be anything but happy!” – Jose Harris
Mr. Shawn
Title: Operations Supervisor With Kidz Kare since: 2015 Superhero Trait: The Ultimate Hugger Favorite Quote: “Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world.” – Malala Yousafzai
Mr. Aldo
Title: Operations Supervisor With Kidz Kare since: 2017 Superhero Trait: The Number Cruncher Hobbies & Interests: Coin Collecting, Hockey and History Random Fact: I have been working since I was 13. Favourite Quote: “You only get out what you put into it”
Ms. Jennifer, President / Director
Kidz Kare founder Ms. Jennifer Roselli has been involved in the child care and education industries for the over twenty years. She founded her first daycare in 2003 and tells of its genesis in the frustration of trying to find child care for her own sons. “I was having a great deal of difficulty finding the right balance of a …